✶ Cancellation/ Defect / Lost Item Policy ✶

Please see this page for the exchange/returns policy.

Cancellation: If you contact us within the pre-order date to cancel your order, we're happy to oblige and cancel/refund your order. However, once an item has been shipped and you've received the shipping confirmation notice, we cannot cancel the order. If you have an address change, please let us know ASAP, and we will do everything to accommodate you.

Refund & Replacement: If the item you ordered has a manufacturing defect, we will refund your item, or have a new one sent to you. It is our responsibility to ensure you are getting a high quality product that you feel great in. However, if there is no issue with the item, or if the item has been worn, washed, or ironed, we are not able to asses defects and the option for refund or replacement is nullified. If you open your item and there is a defect, please document it with photos and let us know immediately. If there are other issues, please contact us, as we can discuss solutions on a case-by-case basis.

Lost & stolen packages: If a package is lost in the mail and never arrives, we are able to send a replacement or refund ONLY if the optional shipping insurance was added to your order. If standard shipping is selected, we are not able to replace or refund your item. There are some exceptions to this policy, so please contact us if you feel that you may have special circumstances. Please understand that as a small business, we will do everything we can to find and replace your item, but unfortunately, we cannot cover the cost for all lost packages. Please consider upgrading your shipping if you are concerned about this!

If your package was stolen after delivery, we are very sorry, but we will not be able to replace your item(s). Once the post marks the package as delivered, the insurance is void. With this in mind, please only send your packages to addresses you can trust! It is up to the customer to ensure their items are delivered to a secure location.

All customers are responsible for paying import fees, duties, taxes, etc for their country. If your item was returned to the sender for not paying import fees, duties, or incorrectly entered address or name, no refund will be given for the shipping fee. If you would like your item re-shipped, you will have to pay the additional cost. 

As always, thank you for your understanding and we look forward to hearing from you! If you have any further questions, please use our contact form here, or send us an email at support@knock.thrice.ca.