Cancellations // Defective Items


If you contact us within the pre-order date to cancel your order, we're happy to oblige and cancel/refund your order. However, once an item has been shipped and you've received the shipping confirmation notice, we cannot cancel the order. If you have an address change, please let us know ASAP, and we will do everything to accommodate you.


If the item you ordered has a manufacturing defect, we will refund your item, or have a new one sent to you. It is our responsibility to ensure you are getting a high quality product that you feel great in. However, if there is no issue with the item, or if the item has been worn, washed, or ironed, we are not able to asses defects and the option for refund or replacement is nullified. If you open your item and there is a defect, please document it with photos and let us know via email immediately. If there are other issues, please contact us at, as we can discuss solutions on a case-by-case basis!

If you are looking to exchange for a new size, or return your non-defective item, please see this page for more information.